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August 22, 2022

Gutter Repair: How to Tell Which Service You Need

Gutters are an unsung hero when it comes to your home. When your gutters and downspouts are working correctly, they can help protect your home from the elements and expensive damage.

If you aren’t sure if you need a gutter replacement or just gutter repair, there are a few signs you can watch for to help you decide. 

From cracks to leaks, here are some things to look for if you suspect you are in need of a gutter replacement service or gutter cleaning and repair. 

Your Gutters are Cracking

One of the easiest tells that you need gutter replacement or gutter repair is when you see cracked gutters. Do you know how pointless a bucket with a hole in it is? 

A crack in your gutter will totally defeat the purpose of having gutters. Although you can usually spot larger cracks that will require gutter replacements, smaller cracks may not be visible and these can be repaired and found by a professional.

You See Seam Stress

The seams of a gutter are where they are the most vulnerable. This is where separation and leaks will often happen. If you see your seams splitting, you may just be able to have your gutters repaired.

If you wait too long to address a gutter seam problem, your gutters may need to be replaced entirely. Keeping your gutters clean can help reduce the stress on the seams. 

The Gutters on Your Home Can Damage Your Exterior 

If a gutter system isn’t working properly, it can cause a lot of expensive damage to the exterior of your home. If you see peeled paint, chipped siding, or any other exterior damage, it may be a good indication that you have a leaking gutter.

Extensive damage may mean your gutters are beyond repair and need a full replacement.

Rot is Easily Seen

If gutters aren’t working properly water will continuously leak over time  If you see a lot of rot damage you may need to fully replace your gutters. If you just see one problem area, you might be able to repair or replace the trouble spot by itself.

You See Mildew

Downspouts are made to move water away from your home’s foundation. Water can accumulate near the foundation and eventually leak into your basement or interior of your home.

If you start to see a lot of mold and mildew in this area, this could be a sign that your downspouts aren’t working properly.

Why It’s Important to Stay on Top of Gutter Replacement or Repair

It can be hard to tell if your gutters just need repair or if you need a full gutter replacement. Not only are there several kinds but they are often too high to properly inspect.

It is crucial to stay on top of your gutters for many reasons. For one, gutters that are broken or need to be replaced can cost you more money if you put off fixing them. Leaks, mold, mildew, and water damage are expensive to remedy.

If gutters or downspouts are broken, they can’t do their job properly and you may as well be pouring money along with the water right into the foundation and walls of your home. 

What Are the Most Common Gutter Repairs?

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