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February 8, 2023

The People Behind The Bay Church & How They Serve Their Community

The Bay Church is blessed to have amazing people who are devoted to serving God and their community. From the staff to the volunteers, everyone at The Bay Church in Bay Point, CA takes great pride in providing a safe and welcoming environment for anyone who wishes to worship with them.

The pastoral team of The Bay Church is comprised of senior pastors Matt & Julie Hui, worship pastor JT Murguia, children’s ministry director Shannon Johnson, and outreach pastor Scott Benson. All of these individuals are passionate about serving their church members and the community.

The Bay Church also has several volunteers who dedicate their time to helping out with various tasks each week. From setting up for services on Sunday mornings to hosting community events, these volunteers work hard to ensure that The Bay Church is a welcoming place for all visitors.

The Bay Church is committed to uplifting and supporting its community in any way possible. From providing food pantry services, to offering counseling and prayer resources, the church has worked tirelessly to provide help and support for those in need. The Bay Church is truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of people who are dedicated to serving God and their community.

Everyone at The Bay Church in the Bay Point area, is committed to making sure that each person who walks through their door feels welcomed and loved. No matter what, The Bay Church stands ready to offer support in any way possible. This concludes our overview of The Bay Church and the people who serve in it.

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